
Keep up to date with the Salmon Interactions Team and our research

Oxygenation trial in Macquarie Harbour hits new milestone

13th September 2024
A new pilot project our team has been involved with to stimulate dissolved oxygen levels in Tasmania’s Macquarie Harbour has successfully passed another milestone – and it could improve this last known habitat of the unique and endangered Maugean skate. The Macquarie Harbour Oxygenation Project (MHOP) is designed to trial technology aimed at increasing oxygen […]
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Scientists deep dive into the environmental performance of salmon farming in Storm Bay

16th January 2024
A new environmental monitoring program in Storm Bay is revealing exactly how the local marine environment is responding to salmon aquaculture – and it’s serving as an early warning system to detect any signs of enrichment from excess nutrients and organic matter. “Salmon aquaculture is relatively new to Storm Bay so it’s vital to have […]
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Salmon Science Open House 2023

16th November 2023
On the 10th of June 2023, scientists from the Salmon Interactions Team hosted a second Salmon Science Open House event at the Hobart waterfront alongside representatives from CSIRO and the FRDC. Following on from a similar event hosted in June 2022 this public “drop-in” event provided an opportunity for other scientists, industry stakeholders and interested […]
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Identifying quality methane-reducing seaweed in Tasmanian waters

16th November 2023
Our seaweed scientists are mapping the distribution, abundance and chemical variation of Asparagopsis armata around Tasmania to support a budding aquaculture industry that’s helping reduce livestock methane emissions, as IMAS Ecology and Biodiversity Deputy Centre Head and project lead, Associate Professor Jeff Wright explains. Asparagopsis is a small red seaweed that’s native to Tasmania. Sea Forest is the only Tasmanian […]
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Salmon Science Open House 2022

26th July 2022
On 25th June 2022, our scientists were part of a joint FRDC, IMAS and CSIRO Salmon Science Open House held on the Hobart waterfront. This public ‘drop-in’ event was all about showcasing the science we do, and chatting with curious and passionate visitors about the science of monitoring, observing and modelling the effects of salmon […]
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New research exploring opportunities for potential future finfish aquaculture expansion in Tasmanian waters

25th January 2022
Researchers at IMAS and the School of Geography, Planning and Spatial Sciences have recently completed a research project developing a decision-support tool to aid spatial planning for finfish aquaculture in Tasmania. This project was a collaboration with the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (now Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania) under […]
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New monitoring tool for the influences of aquaculture on planktonic communities

8th December 2021
New research from Sharon Hook (CSIRO), Camille White and Jeff Ross (Salmon Interactions Team, IMAS) has highlighted the potential of using microbial gene expression as a tool for understanding more about how microscopic plants and animals which float in the water column (planktonic communities) are affected by finfish aquaculture.  Finfish aquaculture releases nutrients, including nitrogen, into the surrounding water […]
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Rocky Reef Assessment in the Derwent Estuary

11th November 2021
Our team at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) has recently published a new report looking at the health of rocky reefs in the Derwent estuary. We used our new Rapid Visual Assessment methodology that has been developed to identify the early signs of organic enrichment on reef ecosystems.   This project was initiated in 2019 when the Derwent Estuary Program (DEP) engaged our team to undertake a rocky […]
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Developing an environmental monitoring program for Storm Bay

29th September 2021
Our team at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) is currently involved in a large FRDC project (‘Storm Bay Observing System’) designed to assess the environmental performance of salmon aquaculture in Storm Bay. Through this project we are monitoring the interactions between salmon farms and the whole ecosystem, including soft sediment, inshore reefs, […]
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Reef condition in the southern D’Entrecasteaux Channel

23rd April 2021
The intensification of human activity in the lower D’Entrecasteaux Channel has led to increased concern regarding the effects of sustained low-level organic enrichment on the health and function of rocky reef ecosystems in this region. Our team at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) has been developing and trialing a “Rapid Visual Assessment” […]
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Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
15-21 Nubeena Crescent
Taroona, Tasmania 7053 Australia
+61 6226 8277 
Acknowledgment of Country
We acknowledge the palawa/pakana and Gadigal/Wangal people, the traditional custodians of the land and sea upon which we live and work, and their enduring cultures and knowledge of our oceans and coasts.

We recognise that decisions and practices affecting the future of Indigenous education and research are vital to the self-determination, wellbeing and livelihood of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and to shaping the Australian society in which we live.
Copyright 2024 Institute for Marine and Antartic Studies.
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